Heroes of Might and Magic IV:
Unit Guide
v1.0 (April 6, 2002)

by Randvek (randvek@darkholy.com)


Table of Contents

  1 - Introduction
       - Changes

  2 - Unit Breakdowns
       - Life
       - Nature
       - Order
       - Chaos
       - Death
       - Might

  3 - Credits & Copyright


After tinkering with various additions to Heroes of Might and Magic
III, Heroes 4 was finally released in late March, 2002. Now, there is
a diagram of who is hostile to who and not, very similar to Magic: The
Gathering's pentagon of colors. Even what they stood for in M:TG is
very similar here. Following that example, White becomes Life, Green
becomes Nature, Blue turns into Order, Red into Chaos, and Black into
Death, with the neutral Might in the middle. It is very important to 
keep in mind some of the changes, as building one creature dwelling will
prevent you from building the other creature dwelling of the same level,
with the exception of level One. Some of the armies look radically new, 
while others keep the same comfortable feeling from games past. While 
the intricate details are many, an outline of the more major changes 
follow as such:

     - Life -

It takes only a glance to realize that Life is the decendant of the
Knight/Castle class from HoMM games past. The only new units here are
Squires and Ballista, and they fit in quite seemlessly. On the magic
side of things, Life is full of healing and defensive spells, with
Wards that will protect against a certain other type of unit, bless
spells, and a few new ones, like Retribution and Martyr. The new
Resurrection skill makes those large, costly battles not so bad.

     - Nature -

While at first it would seem that Nature is the decendant of the
Sorceress/Rampart armies, that's only half true. Elves and Unicorns
are here yet again, while Phoenix and Sprites make a nice return.
With the addition of the Elemental units, however, Nature becomes the
army of all those units you wish you could have used more often, but
couldn't because they were always neutral. Nature spells are a mix
of Summon spells and Defensive spells. While nothing in their spell
list is directly offensive, a few good Summon spells and a lot of
spell points can keep you in a battle long after you normally might
have been out.

     - Order -

Order looks very much like its Wizard/Tower predecesors, with only
Dwarves and Dragon Golems being the new faces. As before, nearly
every unit in the army has some sort of ranged attack. While fairly
limited in straight-out damage spells, Order has a lot of "affect"
spells, both to use on your army and on enemies.

     - Chaos -

Chaos looks a lot like a mix of Dungeon/Warlock and all the odds and
ends, like Orcs and Hydras. One thing worth noting is that after
being fairly weakened in HoMM3, the Black Dragon returns as the most
powerful (and costly) unit in the game. Chaos spells are almost
exclusively what were thought of as Fire in HoMM3. Bloodlust, Slayer,
and a whole host of attack spells make Chaos the army of choice
if you prefer your spell casting to be attacking in nature.

     - Death -

Death is a very...unusual mix of units this time around. It looks like
it's half-Necromancer, half-Inferno. Unfortunately, Liches were
replaced with the newcommer Venom Spawn as the only archer in the
group. Predictably, almost all of the Death spells are spells to
cast on the enemy to reduce their effectiveness.

     - Might -

At upper levels, Might is an almost exact carry-over of the Stronghold
from HoMM3, while the lower levels are all new to the Barbarian class,
and interesting choices, all. Might armies cannot build guilds at all,
so must learn spells from sources outside Might cities.
Unit Breakdowns

     - Life -

Level One

Unit Name:           Crossbowman                 Squire
Damage:              2-3                         2-3
Hit Points:          10                          10
Growth:              16                          21
Abilities:           Ranged,                     Stun
                     no Range penalty

Notes: Crossbowmen and Squires compliment each other rather well.
Squires get down and dirty in hand-to-hand with a chance of stunning
their target, while Crossbowmen don't have to worry about firing over
long range.

Level Two

Unit Name:           Ballista                    Pikeman
Damage:              5-7                         6-8
Hit Points:          28                          30
Growth:              7                           9
Abilities:           Ranged,                     Long strike
                     no Range penalty,           Cancels First-strike
                     no Obstable penalty,

Notes: The choice here is a tough one. A solid archer unit, or a unit
that can attack from further away, often causing the enemy to be unable
to counter attack? Level Three Life units also have to choose between
a solid attacker or a ranged unit, so picking one ranged and one melee
between the two is the best course of action.

Level Three

Unit Name:           Crusader                    Monk
Damage:              10-16                       10-15
Hit Points:          65                          55
Growth:              5                           6
Abilities:           Strikes Twice,              Ranged,
                     Death Ward                  Death Ward

Notes: Since both these units have Death Ward, be sure to load up on
them before attacking a Death army. I usually go with a Monk/Pikeman
combination since both units have the higher growth, but a Crusader/
Ballista combination is also a good choice to have.

Level Four

Unit Name:           Champion                    Angel
Damage:              24-36                       40-65
Hit Points:          150                         230
Growth:              4                           2
Abilities:           Charge,                     Flying,
                     First Strike                can Resurrect

Notes: There is a fairly large gap between a Champion and an Angel, so
it is obvious of which one is better. The only problem is, Champions
grow at twice the speed of Angels, so the question becomes whether
you prefer quality or quantity in your armies. I believe that the
Angel has the edge because it can fly, but 4 Champs a week is pretty

Other Units:

Unit Name:           Peasant
Damage:              2-3
Hit Points:          10
Growth:              36
Abilities:           Taxpayer

Notes: The taxpayer ability earns you 1 gold per day per Peasant. Since
they are a good 20 times better than in past HoMM games, if you can
find a couple Peasant dwellings, they might certainly be worth making
room for.

     - Nature -

Level One

Unit Name:           Sprite                      Wolf
Damage:              1-2                         2-3
Hit Points:          7                           12
Growth:              23                          15
Abilities:           Flying,                     Attacks Twice
                     no Enemy Retaliation

Notes: The Sprite and Wolf form a good 1-2 punch for Nature. Both 
units are quick and have decent abilities to go along with them. 
Neither unit stays alive quickly under heavy fire, though, so you have
to be careful about where you put these two.

Level Two

Unit Name:           Elf                         White Tiger
Damage:              3-4                         6-8
Hit Points:          18                          35
Growth:              7                           6
Abilities:           Ranged,                     First Strike
                     Fires Twice,
                     Ranged First Strike

Notes: While Elves are a fairly solid archer unit, the competition for
that level 2 spot with the White Tiger is feirce. Given the Tiger's
much higher hit points and cheaper building requirements, the White
Tiger should probably be your unit of choice unless you really like
those archer units.

Level Three

Unit Name:           Griffin                     Unicorn
Damage:              16-22                       13-20
Hit Points:          95                          80
Growth:              4                           5
Abilities:           Flying,                     Blinds enemy
                     Unlimited Retaliation

Notes: Unicorns function slightly below their normal level in HoMM 
games here, while Griffins get a major step up. I find Griffins to be
absolutely the better choice between the two units here. Even though
a Unicorn's blind can come in handy, it's just not common enough to
give them the edge.

Level Four

Unit Name:            Faerie Dragon              Phoenix
Damage:               35-50                      45-65
Hit Points:           220                        275
Growth:               2                          2
Abilities:            Flying,                    Flying,
                      Spellcaster,               Rebirth,
                      Magic Mirror               Breath Attack

Notes: Tough choice. Both units are solid in their function. The 
Faerie Dragon is a back-row spellcaster who takes a whole lot to take
down, while the Phoenix is a prime front line unit who can hit two
units in a row.

Other Units:

It would be a lesson in pain to include all of the units that can come
through the Summoning Portal, so instead I will provide a brief note
on each.

Leprechaun: Challenges the Sprite and Imp for weakest unit in the game.
Satyr: A decent unit, but not enough growth to make them worthwhile.
Air Elemental: Hard to kill, but doesn't do enough damage.
Earth Elemental: A little slow, but can take a real beating.
Fire Elemental: A great unit to take if you need another archer.
Water Elemental: Not a terrible ranged unit, but pales before the Fire Elemental.
Waspwort: Ranged, good growth, good damage, what's not to like?
Mantis: Expensive and low growth, but very powerful.

     - Order - 

Level One

Unit Name:           Dwarf                       Halfling
Damage:              2-3                         1-2
Hit Points:          12                          8
Growth:              18                          23
Abilities:           Magic Resistance            Ranged,

Notes: You may find Dwarves to be simply too slow to contribute much
to your army, but the huge growth rate of Halflings will keep them
useful throughout the game. Their Giantslayer ability makes them do
more damage against level 4 units, too.

Level Two

Unit Name:           Gold Golem                  Mage
Damage:              8-12                        3-4
Hit Points:          50                          16
Growth:              6                           8
Abilities:           Magic Resistance,           Spellcaster

Notes: Mages have taken a huge step down in the HoMM series here. While
their spellcasting ability somewhat makes up for it, Golems are most
likely going to be the better choice. Gold Golems don't go down very
easily, while Mages drop like flies under direct attack.

Level Three

Unit Name:           Genie                       Naga
Damage:              9-12                        14-22
Hit Points:          60                          90
Growth:              6                           4
Abilities:           Flying,                     No Retaliation

Notes: Genies look a bit different now, as they can now use their magic
skills offensively, as well. This little addition gives them a slight
edge over the Naga in usefullness. The Nagas are only slighty worse than
before. While they make a great addition to any army, the Genies should
be your first choice, especially if you went with Golems over Mages.

Level Four

Unit Name:           Dragon Golem                Titan
Damage:              36-55                       34-50
Hit Points:          220                         210
Growth:              2                           2
Abilities:           First Strike,               Ranged,
                     Negate First Strike,        No Melee Penalty,
                     Mechanical                  Chaos Ward

Notes: By taking a quick glance at their stats, you will see that the
Titans and Dragon Golems are extremely close matched. Against Chaos,
Titans obviously have the advantage, but in other cases, it's more a
question of range vs. speed. In my mind, Titan's have the edge, but
Dragon Golems are more than a worthy replacement should you choose them.

Other Units

Order doesn't have any units not in town. Bummer.

     - Chaos -

Level One

Unit Name:           Bandit                       Orc
Damage:              1-3                          1-3
Hit Points:          10                           12
Growth:              26                           16
Abilities:           Stealth                      Ranged,
                                                  Short Range,
                                                  No Melee Penalty

Notes: The Orcs' abilities means that it fights just as well normally
as it does ranged, but suffers twice the normal ranged penalties.
Bandits aren't very useful in combat, but make great spies if you send
them out to explore without a hero attached to them.

Level Two

Unit Name:           Medusa                       Minotaur
Damage:              3-6                          5-10
Hit Points:          24                           38
Growth:              6                            6
Abilities:           Ranged,                      Defend
                     No Melee Penalty,
                     Unlimited Ammo,
                     Stone Gaze

Notes: Minotaur are obviously stronger than the Medusa, but that long
list of abilities is hard to pass up on the Medusa, so why would you?
Stone Gaze is like the Gorgon's Death Gaze from HoMM3: no matter how
much damage you do, you might kill a certain amount of units outright
after the fact. If you go with Minotaur, Orcs will be your only archer
unit, and that would be a bad thing.

Level Three

Unit Name:           Efreet                       Nightmare
Damage:              10-20                        12-26
Hit Points:          80                           110
Growth:              4                            4
Abilities:           Flying,                      Terror
                     Fire Resistance,
                     Fire Attack,
                     Fire Shield

Notes: Efreet are nice, but they simply don't pack the same kind of
punch the Nightmares do. Unless you are in dire need of a flying unit,
the Nightmare will be able to serve you considerably better than the

Level Four

Unit Name:           Hydra                        Black Dragon
Damage:              28-60                        55-110
Hit Points:          250                          400
Growth:              2                            1
Abilities:           Multiple Attack,             Flying,
                     No Retaliation               Magic Immune,
                                                  Breath Attack

Notes: The Black Dragon once again claims the title of Best Creature in
HoMM. The Hydra is a decent fallback in case you can't afford the very
steep price on the Black Dragons, but will never rival them in sheer

Other Units

Unit Name:           Pirate                      Troglodyte
Damage:              1-2                         2-3
Hit Points:          10                          14
Growth:              24                          19
Abilities:           Bonuses at Sea              Immune to Blind

                     Evil Eye                    Troll
                     3-7                         6-12
                     26                          45
                     6                           6
                     Flying,                     Regeneration
                     Random Harmful Spell

     - Death -

Level One

Unit Name:           Imp                         Skeleton
Damage:              1-2                         1-2
Hit Points:          7                           8
Growth:              28                          25
Abilities:           Flying,                     Undead,
                     Mana Leech                  Skeletal

Notes: Imps are the same old, same old, though now their wings are
actually useful for something. Skeletons appear to be weakened, but
their Skeletal ability gives them a serious armor bonus against archer
units. Skeletons and Imps are very useful, as they both grow quite

Level Two

Unit Name:           Cerebus                     Ghost
Damage:              4-6                         2-4
Hit Points:          24                          15
Growth:              7                           9
Abilities:           Multiple Attack,            Flying,
                     No Retaliation              Undead,
                                                 Aging Touch,

Notes: The Ghosts are obviously much lower in stats, but their 
Intangible ability gives them a big defense bonus against melee and
ranged attacks, making only spells their one weakness. Cerebus units
are better on paper, but Necromancy can bring up Ghosts and higher 
levels, making swarms of Ghosts much easier to come by.

Level Three

Unit Name:          Vampire                      Venom Spawn
Damage:             12-18                        16-24
Hit Points:         75                           100
Growth:             3                            3
Abilities:          Flying,                      Ranged,
                    Undead,                      Poison
                    Life Drain,
                    No Retaliation

Notes: Having an archer is always good, but the Vampires' ability to
regenerate again after dying once again makes it superior to units 
even stronger than itself. Unless you are going up against another Death
army or an army with a lot of mechanical units in it, the Venom Spawn
simply can't measure up.

Level Four

Unit Name:          Bone Dragon                  Devil
Damage:             45-65                        34-50
Hit Points:         275                          210
Growth:             2                            2
Abilities:          Flying,                      Teleport,
                    Skeletal,                    Summon Ice Demons,
                    Undead,                      Life Ward

Notes: If Devils kept their No Retaliation from HoMM3, they would 
certainly be the better of the two units. As it is now, you have a tough
choice. The Bone Dragon is better against archers, while the Devil has
the ability to get anywhere on the battlefield. The Bone Dragon is 
better, but take the Devil against Life opponents.

Other Units

Unit Name:          Zombie                       Gargoyle
Damage:             2-4                          4-6
Hit Points:         24                           22
Growth:             15                           8
Abilities:          Undead,                      Flying,
                    Tough                        Stone Skin,

                    Mummy                        Ice Demon
                    5-8                          12-16
                    30                           70
                    8                            4
                    Undead,                      Freezing Attack,
                    Curse                        Cold Resistance,
                                                 Cold Attack

     - Might -

Level One

Unit Name:          Berserker                   Centaur
Damage:             2-3                         3-5
Hit Points:         18                          20
Growth:             19                          9
Abilities:          Attacks Twice,              Ranged,
                    Berserk                     Short Range,
                                                No Melee Penalty

Notes: Might is blessed with the best level 1 units in the game. While
the Centaurs have very few shots (4) and short range, they function
just as well in Melee combat. While you can't control your Berserkers,
they are sure to make life miserable on your enemy. These two units give
Might armies a definate advantage early on.

Level Two

Unit Name:          Harpy                       Nomad
Damage:             4-5                         6-9
Hit Points:         24                          45
Growth:             8                           8
Abilities:          Flying,                     First Strike
                    Strike and Return
                    No Retaliation

Notes: Harpies are quite a bit better at attacking strong units since
they can't be retaliated against and quickly retreat after attacks, 
but Nomads can take a considerable amount of punishment for a level 2
unit without sacrificing speed in order to do it. Unless you really like
that strike and return, take the Nomads.

Level Three

Unit Name:          Cyclops                     Ogre Mage
Damage:             12-18                       12-18
Hit Points:         95                          85
Growth:             3                           6
Abilities:          Ranged,                     Casts Bloodlust
                    Area Attack

Notes: The Ogre Mage is almost as strong as the Cyclops is, but the
Area Attack ability that the Cyclops has is simply devistating. With
8 shots at their disposal, a group of Cyclops will take down the 
opponent quicker than the Ogres, even with their growth rate half of
what the Ogre Magi get.

Level Four

Unit Name:          Behemoth                    Thunderbird
Damage:             55-80                       28-40
Hit Points:         240                         170
Growth:             2                           3
Abilities:          Strength                    Flying,
                                                Lightning Strike

Notes: Though the Thunderbird's Lightning Strike has been souped up a
considerable amount, the Behemoth simply does too much damage to be
denied. Slightly better growth and the flying ability almost redeem 
the Thunderbird, and makes it a very good choice if you want a quick 
unit over a strong, but lumbering one.

Other Units

Unit Name:         Mermaid                      Sea Monster
Damage:            5-8                          45-65
Hit Points:        38                           275
Growth:            8                            2
Abilities:         Hypnotize                    Devouring

This file is copyrighted 2002 by Randvek. Any reposting without the
author's permission is strictly forbidden. Go ahead and ask, though.
He's a nice guy. Heroes of Might and Magic IV and all its logos and
trademarks are property of 3D0.

I'd like to thank 3D0 for continuing the great series that New World
Computing started so very long ago, it seems. HoMM4 is certainly a
unique addition to the series, and a great game, too. Go try it out. 
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