Heroes of Might and Magic IV (PC)
Hero Skills and Classes FAQ v1.0
By: Lena LeRay
E-mail: javiir@hotmail.com
May 19, 2002

                                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS
1) Introduction
2) Skill List
3) Starting Class List
4) Full Class List
5) Legal Information

                                                     1) INTRODUCTION
     The information in this FAQ can be found in the manual. There's
an excellent chart on pages 41 - 42 that shows the combinations of
skills needed to get most of the classes. More detail on the classes
can be found on pages 116 - 120, including why you should bother
with the classes -- their special abilities.
     So... why write a FAQ if it's all there already? Well, if
you're like me, you'd rather have an easy to find web page or text
file sitting online somewhere. If you're like some friends of mine,
you are guaranteed to lose or destroy the book at some point. Maybe
you've installed it on a laptop and forgotten the book.
     Whatever reason you choose, on with the real reason you're

                                                       2) SKILL LIST
     Knowing the skills in Heroes of Might and MAgic IV (HOMM IV)
work is an important part of understanding how to get the classes
you want. It's the skills your heroes have that define what classes
they take on.
     In HOMM IV, your character can learn up to twenty skills,
total; however, fifteen of those will be offshoots of the other
five. In other words, You can choose up to five paths of learning
for your character to take. Three other skills get built on top of
each of those foundations.
     For instance, the Tactics skill increases the speed and
movement of all the friendly units travelling with the hero. In
addition, it makes it possible for the hero to learn the Offense,
Leadership, and Defense skills. Each of these has its own separate
function. All four of these skills work off of each other; some
upgrades of a given skill can't be learned until other skills in
that group are learned first.
     When a hero gets two or more skills in a group, he's considered
to have specialized in that group of skills. The first two groups of
skills a hero specializes in determine his class. After that, it's
the strongest two sets of skills that determine his class. It IS
possible to change classes later on. However, it's hard to do
because once a hero takes on a class, the skills relevant to that
class will be the ones more likely to get upgrades when he levels
     This list of skills presents a general overview of what each
skill does and which classes each skill group is needed to obtain.

Chaos Magic

     Chaos Magic allows the hero to cast Chaos spells.

     Conjuration: Increases the hero's spell points and spell point
     Pyromancy: Increases the effectiveness of Chaos Magic
     Sorcery: Increases hero's spell damage

     Classes: Archmage (optional), Fire Diviner, Fireguard, Heretic,
          Lich, Pyromancer, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch King,

     Combat increases hero's melee and ranged defense.

     Melee: Increases the hero's melee attack and lowers the
          target's defense against it
     Archery: Increases the hero's ranged attack and lowers the
          target's defense against it
     Magic Resistence: Increases the hero's magic resistance

     Classes: Archer, Assassin, Barbarian, Battle Mage, Beastmaster,
          Fireguard, General, Paladin, Ranger, Warlord
Death Magic

     Death Magic allows the hero to cast Death spells.

     Occultism: Increases the hero's spell points and spell point
     Demonology: Increases the effectiveness of Death Magic
     Necromancy: Allows the hero to raise skeletons from the dead of
          a defeated army

     Classes: Archmage (optional), Assassin, Dark Lord, Dark Priest,
          Demonologist, Lich, Necromancer, Ninja, Reaver, Shadow
Life Magic

     Life Magic allows the hero to cast Death spells.

     Healing: Increases the hero's spell points and spell point
     Spirituality: Increases the effectiveness of Life Magic
     Ressurection: Allows the hero to ressurect some of his dead
          troops; some restrictions apply

     Classes: Archmage (Optional), Cardinal, Crusader, Dark Priest,
          Heretic, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Prophet, Summoner
Nature Magic

     Nature Magic allows the hero to cast Nature spells.

     Herbalism: Increases the hero's spell points and spell point
     Meditation: Increases the effectiveness of Nature Magic
     Summoning: Allows the hero to summon varying creatures

     Classes: Archmage (optional), Bard, Beast Lord, Beastmaster,
          Demonologist, Druid, Enchanter, Summoner, Warden, Warlock

     Nobility allows a hero to become governor of a town, increasing
          creature growth.

     Estates: The hero earns extra gold for his kingdom.
     Mining: The hero earns extra resources for his kingdom.
     Diplomacy: Allows the hero to bribe some outnumbered enemy
          units into joining his side

     Classes: Beast Lord, Cardinal, Dark Lord, Guildmaster, Lord,
          Lord Commander, Warlord, Witch King, Wizard King
Order Magic

     Order Magic allows a hero to cast Order spells.

     Enchantment: Increases the hero's spell points and spell point
     Wizardry: Increases the effectiveness of Nature Magic
     Charm: Allows a hero to convert a small number of outnumbered
          troops to his side

     Classes: Archmage (optional), Battle Mage, Enchanter,
          Illusionist, Mage, Monk, Seer, Wizard, Wizard King

     Scouting increases the hero's scouting radius.

     Pathfinding: Makes it easier for the hero to travel in the
          adventure map
     Seamanship: Makes it easier for the hero to travel in the
          adventure map
     Stealth: Allows the hero to travel without being seen when by
          himself and not adjacent to others; Allows the hero to see
          others with an equal or lower level of stealth

     Classes: Bard, Field Martial, Fire Diviner, Guildmaster, Ninja,
          Prophet, Ranger, Seer, Thief

     Tactics increases the speed and movement of all friendly

     Offense: All friendly creatures get +10% to melee and ranged
     Defense: All friendly creatures get +10% to melee and ranged
     Leadership: All friendly creatures get +1 Luck and Morale

     Classes: Crusader, Death Knight, Field Martial, General,
          Illusionist, Knight, Lord Commander, Pyromancer, Reaver,

                                              3) Starting Class List
     Every hero starts out with one specialized skill group under
his belt. This group defines his starting class. Starting classes
only require one skill, and have no special class abilities.

Skill                    Starting Class
-----                    --------------

Tactics                  Death Knight/Knight
Combat                   Archer/Barbarian
Scouting                 Thief
Nobility                 Lord
Life Magic               Priest
Order Magic              Mage
Death Magic              Necromancer
Chaos Magic              Sorcerer
Nature Magic             Druid

                                                  4) FULL CLASS LIST
     This is an alphabetical list off all of the classes, their
skill specialization requirements, and their special abilities.


     Skills Required: Combat
     Class Ability: None

     Skills Required: 3 Different Magic Types
     Class Ability: Hero gets +20% to all spell effects

     Skills Required: Combat, Death Magic
     Class Ability: Hero's speed and movement increase by 3

     Skills Required: Combat
     Class Ability: None

     Skills Required: Nature Magic, Scouting
     Class Ability: Hero has maximum Luck at all times
Battle Mage

     Skills Required: Combat, Order Magic
     Class Ability: Automatically learns Magic Fist spell;
                    Hero gets +205 to Magic Fist and Ice Bolt spells
Beast Lord

     Skills Required: Nature Magic, Nobility
     Class Ability: Hero gets +20% to Summon Wolf and Summon White
                    Tiger spells

     Skills Required: Combat, Nature Magic
     Class Ability: Hero gets +20% to Summon Wolf

     Skills Required: Life Magic, Nobility
     Class Ability: Hero gets +5% to ressurection skill

     Skills Required: Life Magic, Tactics
     Class Ability: Hero has maximum Morale at all times
Dark Lord

     Skills Required: Death Magic, Nobility
     Class Ability: Hero's melee attack causes target maximum
                    negative morale
Dark Priest

     Skills Required: Death Magic, Life Magic
     Class Ability: Hero gains 1 hit point for every 2 melee damage
                    he deals
Death Knight

     Skills Required: Tactics
     Class Ability: None

     Skills Required: Death Magic, Nature Magic
     Class Ability: Hero gets +50% to all demon summoning spells

     Skills Required: Nature Magic
     Class Ability: None

     Skills Required: Nature Magic, Order Magic
     Class Ability: Hero gets +20% to all summoning and illusion
Field Marshal

     Skills Required: Scouting, Tactics
     Class Ability: All friendly creatures get +10% to melee and
                    ranged attack
Fire Diviner

     Skills Required: Chaos Magic, Scouting
     Class Ability: Hero gets +20% to the effects of all fire-based

     Skills Required: Chaos Magic, Combat
     Class Ability: Hero is immune to fire-based spells; Hero takes
                    half damage from fire-based melee attacks

     Skills Required: Combat, Tactics
     Class Ability: All friendly creatures get +1 morale

     Skills Required: Nobility, Scouting
     Class Ability: Hero's melee attack has a chance of Stunning the

     Skills Required: Chaos Magic, Life Magic
     Class Ability: Hero can ignore the effect of all wards

     Skills Required: Order Magic, Tactics
     Class Ability: Hero gets +20% to the effects of all illusion

     Skills Required: Tactics
     Class Ability: None

     Skills Required: Chaos Magic, Death Magic
     Class Ability: Hero's melee attack has a chance of Aging the

     Skills Required: Nobility
     Class Ability: None
Lord Commander

     Skills Required: Nobility, Tactics
     Class Ability: All friendly creatures get +2 morale

     Skills Required: Order Magic
     Class Ability: None

     Skills Required: Life Magic, Order Magic
     Class Ability: Hero has Chaos Ward at all times

     Skills Required: Death Magic
     Class Ability: None

     Skills Required: Death Magic, Scouting
     Class Ability: Hero's melee attack becomes poisonous

     Skills Required: Combat, Life Magic
     Class Ability: Hero has Death Ward at all times

     Skills Required: Life Magic
     Class Ability: None

     Skills Required: Life Magic, Scouting
     Class Ability: Hero has Spiritual Armor at all times

     Skills Required: Chaos Magic, Tactics
     Class Ability: Any unit using a melee attack on Hero takes fire

     Skills Required: Combat, Scouting
     Class Ability: Hero gets ranged ability and +5 ranged attack

     Skills Required: Death Magic, Tactics
     Class Ability: Hero has Bloodlust at all times

     Skills Required: Order Magic, Scouting
     Class Ability: Hero's scouting radius increases by 2
Shadow Mage

     Skills Required: Death Magic, Order Magic
     Class Ability: Hero has Blur at all times

     Skills Required: Chaos Magic
     Class Ability: None

     Skills Required: Life Magic, Nature Magic
     Class Ability: Hero can summon +20 experience points worth of
                    creatures per day

     Skills Required: Scouting
     Class Ability: None

     Skills Required: Nature Magic, Tactics
     Class Ability: All friendly Creatures get +10% to melee and
                    ranged defense

     Skills Required: Chaos Magic, Nature Magic
     Class Ability: Hero gets +10 spell points and can regenerate 1
                    extra spell point per day

     Skills Required: Combat, Nobility
     Class Ability: Hero gets +5 to melee attack
Witch King

     Skills Required: Chaos Magic, Nobility
     Class Ability: Hero's attack keeps target from retaliating;
                    target runs away for a short distance

     Skills Required: Chaos Magic, Order Magic
     Class Ability: Hero's spell costs decrease by 2
Wizard King

     Skills Required: Nobility, Order Magic
     Class Ability: Hero's melee attack gives target maximum bad

This document, Copyright 2002 by Lena LeRay, is protected under USA
copyright laws. It is for private, personal home use ONLY, and may
not be reproduced in whole or in part for any reason without
permission from Lena LeRay.
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